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The ache

I would have called my mom today, maybe even twice. I would have said it was to "update" her on everything going on, but let's be real, I would have whined to her. I would have told her that I was overwhelmed with taking care of the kids and trying to homeschool and taking care of John and that I was frustrated and confused that he is in so much pain and the ER said nothing was wrong and his PCM says they have no appointments and that they will call him but they didn't and he can barely walk but they keep saying it is "normal" and my house is a wreck, and my head hurts and I can't seem to pull it together long enough to get ahead because I either get hit with pain and exhaustion from the "Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension" (IIH for short) or a wave of grief...(Yes, I realize that was one big run-on sentence). Mom would have been ready with scripture. She would have asked me what I was taking in (i.e. music, movies, reading) and she woul
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The Dark Room

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Though they fall...

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Mom's are amazing. Here is why:

***I am not excluding moms who are moms because of marriage, adoption or anything else. We are all equally awesome and you guys may even be more awesome because you made a conscious decision to raise and love someone else's child unconditionally. To dads out there: you are up next!***  -We (moms) have the uncanny ability to sense in our sleep when one of our kids is running a fever, wide awake, wet the bed, in need of a diaper change, is too cold, and the list goes on.  One night I awoke from a deep sleep and knew I needed to check on my kids. When I got to my oldest I found out why; he was running a fever. Score one for the mommy's!! -We have a wide range of knowledge on things that don't necessarily interest us.  I can sing the theme songs to a wide variety of cartoons and have entire movies memorized. I am also fluent in basketball and football and have even been able to get through whole episodes of SportsCenter. I know which "it" toys to avoid fo


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Things I am grateful for...

I got behind on my devotions, like I always do, so tonight I am playing catch up. One of the devotions I do on YouVersion is about prayer and wants me to tell someone 10 things I am grateful for and why. I am currently in a very quiet house so the only way I can tell "someone" is to write it on here. So here it is... First and foremost I am grateful for my Savior. Why? I am really bad about not reading my Bible everyday and not praying as much as I know I need to, but when I do get back into it He is right there waiting for me. No one on this earth would do that. I know I wouldn't be there for someone that constantly walked away from me when I made it so easy for them to include me in their life. God does. I have learned that there is nothing I could do to change that and grateful doesn't even begin to describe how that makes me feel. Next is my husband...there are so many reasons I am grateful for him. He is an amazing father, a great husband, an inspirational lea